Saturday, 13 August 2011

My socks

A lot of you have been asking what kind of socks I wear... nah, not really but I thought I would show you anyway ;) I love knee socks, I probably have 40 pairs or so. Today I bought 2 new pairs with stripes. I love the thicker ones for winter time and in this apartment I am going to need them. Last winter it was so cold here as the doors aren't well isolated, as well as the windows. I am going to need many socks and sweaters if we don't manage to fix the doors this year. At least that's my excuse whenever I buy new ones.
While I generally don't enjoy shopping clothes that much, I do love socks :)

When visiting my parents I bought a couple of new mugs. I love the vintage and sweet style of them, and of course it was the heart which did it in the end ♥

The bag is created by my mom, I love it very much, the black butterfly is a perfect touch to it. My mom is so good with these things, I wish she still drew too.


Lauren said...

I've been wanting to get some long socks like those for the longest time! So cute! I've been looking at them online, maybe my husband will get the hint

The bag and mug are super adorable too =)

Zindy S. D. Nielsen said...

Let's hope :) Here you can find them everywhere, these (top ones) are bought in regular super market for only 8$ each.

Helene said...

I love love love looooooove your new socks. They're so cute! *wants* I'm a sucker for knee sucks myself. :D

Zindy S. D. Nielsen said...

Helene, visit Netto ♥ They might still have some left =)

Helene said...

Thanks for the headsup! <3 Will do. :D