Monday, 22 August 2011

Autumn Walk

I am so happy to finally show you Autumn Walk. What a journey. Many many hours went into the forest and very happy it's done now :) Phew, I did it :D

21x29.7 cm | 8.2x11.7 inches
Colour pencils.

Available as print: Link


nihrida said...

This work is so detailed. When I look at it from an artist point of view, my head start to hurt because I know how much time it took. It's a gorgeous one.

Zindy S. D. Nielsen said...

Thanks so much... I loved drawing this but also just wanted it done when I had just a bit of the forest left I wanted to rush it but luckily I didn't. I can't wait for the actual Autumn colours to come here, it's always so beautiful.

Strawberry said...

its just amazing!! and beautiful!

ego.ludio said...

You know Zindy, I've looked at this drawing from the first time you have showed it. I really admire you for your patience. The longest time I have expend for drawing is a week and I draw only in the evenings when my son sleeps. So when I look at your work I'm really ashamed for my impatience.