Friday, 26 August 2011

Before I go

I am leaving tomorrow for my parents again. It's only been 14 days since I returned home from my last visit. I hope to spend a few great weeks enjoying the early Autumn there. I really look forward to it, especially to revisit the trampoline :)

I recently did a few gift drawings.
Baby feet for a lovely customer I had, of her little baby girl. It was fun to do a bit of a different motive:

This little bunny belongs to Helene, a long time member of the ZindyZone Forum

Both drawings are done with charcoal and measures 11x8" (A4)


nihrida said...

What a beautiful drawings! Love the softness in both and how you managed to give the bunny life to his eyes. Amazing.

Nina Galerija said...

i love your drawings!

Jonna Axelsson said...

They are so beautiful! I love the bunny drawing :)