Monday, 22 August 2011

Little video of me drawing

In the video you get a glimpse of my new Halloween drawing, which is rather large and something that took a few days work. I like how it's going so far. I am in such a Halloween mood already =) I think I will be doing quite a few Autumn&Halloween drawings this season.

This is the first time trying to record while drawing a bit (on my mobile). I just received my new Derwent Pencil Extenders, which I was advised to try out by a friend, Ester.
So far they are great, very light weight and thin. However, I haven't worked much with them yet, I'll tell you what I think when using them for longer.


Dana Canfield said...

It would be so awesome to see a full length recording of you doing one of your drawings :)

Zindy S. D. Nielsen said...

Unfortunately I don't have the equipment to do such a thing.

Entre Livros said...

Can't you just leave the camera recording
while you're drawing and then just edit it
when you're finished? it would be great to
see how you complete one of your creations!


Zindy S. D. Nielsen said...

If I had a real video camera I could, this is just my mobile camera and it would be really hard to hold it all the way through a drawing.
If I had a video camera of decent quality I'd definitely consider it Carolina :)

Anonymous said...

I think it would be really hard because pictures can take ages...
Also maybe if u bluetacked the camera on the table next to you while you drew it :)

EmmaLue said...

Zindy, you make drawing look so easy... :(
I <3 you. You're fantastic. :)