Tuesday, 8 March 2011

My day - Ikea

Nothing like spending time with the person you love the most - shopping for print paper and stools ;)

It's been a while since we went to IKEA, I don't really like going there unless it's very very early in the morning or very very late - it's the only time you can avoid too many people with the same idea. It can be a bit exhausting to shop there unless you just go after what you need.

We finally got our bar stools for the kitchen, after 3 months of wait. It was great to finally get them. Now we can sit and eat and relax while the other one cooks, which will be really great, especially in the summer time when it's not so cold in the kitchen.
It's pretty cool they made them in 2 sizes, 63cm or 74cm we got the lower one which means I can touch the floor - yay for that ;)

We are slowly turning out home into our dream home. Another amazing buy we did was a new drawing table. We've wanted this table especially since late 2009 but at the time we moved here and finally had the money and space it was sold out. Little did we know it was there again when we walked by.
Words can't describe how happy I am.
I've never had a drawing table before, always drew on the couch but I think it will be good for my back to actually sit near a table and not curled up at the couch, though it's incredible comfortable, I got to admit =)

All in all a good day ♥


Strawberry said...


Lauren said...

Decorating, so much fun! I was so happy when I got my first drawing table, it's done wonders. One thing though, invest in a comfortable chair, like a computer desk chair (which are meant to be sat at for hours and support your back). The stools that they sell for artist's, and sometimes come with the table usually cramp your back, at least they cramp mine!, due to lack of actual back support for many hours at a time. I never knew you drew on the couch all this time!

It's cool that you guys can shop together and agree on the furniture lol, unlike so many couples I've seen who can't even agree on what color to paint the wall or what's for dinner ;P

Pauline said...

I can't believe you drew on the couch so far!!

Zindy S. D. Nielsen said...

Yes, I have been drawing on my couch ever since I started drawing. When I painted abstract, which is now over 5 years ago) I would sit on the floor on a pillow. I really look forward getting the drawing table up and start drawing, hopefully even more, when I don't have to worry about headaches and such :)

Lauren, we are going to get a computer chair, once the table is up we will know which will be more suitable. But I definitely picture a really soft and comfortable one that you can sit on for hours and hours :)