Wednesday, 30 March 2011

Cuteness Overdose and thoughts

This is my second attempt with the Copic Markers. I really love it and I enjoy this early learning process so much. I've really missed that feeling - trying something completely new technique wise. That urge you have wanting to improve and to perfect it as fast as possible =)

Again, in the pink colour scheme since those are the ones I currently have available.

Today I bought 3 sets of different Promarkers. I hope they are great, but I have no idea. From what I read they are thinner than the Copic markers and smoother, so hopefully they will work for me. Do you have any experience with these? I'd love to hear your thoughts.

I can't wait for the promarkers to arrive. Since I will be away visiting my parents next week I won't get to try them out till a couple of weeks.

I am so into this that I put away my main project which started it all. I really hope to have it ready soon and to show you what it is.
Tuesday, 29 March 2011

I Love Markers

...I am in love all over. Last night I got the crazy idea to try out my boyfriend's markers as I was doing some line-art and thought; "I might as well"...
So I did and it was so much fun. It's strange because normally the drawing up of the lines is the least time consuming thing but with this type of art I feel it almost takes longer to do the line up as the lines need to be very drawn up and smooth. Didn't succeed completely but I figure if you do this type of art a lot you feel more secure and calm when doing the lineup and the result will eventually become better.

I didn't have a lot of colours to use; pink, red, warm and cold gray + 2 skin tones, which in my opinion are too orange. I like it more neutral but I think if I decide to invest in my own markers I can get some more neutral tones for the skin. I guess it's just a matter of taste. Oh and that is also why the eyes are lavender as I had no blue to use.

I'm very exited about this, it's like discovering a completely new perfect charcoal type =)

Model is Andy, from the recent photo shoot we did. Look out for more cuteness overdose.
Monday, 28 March 2011

First Mermaid Wip2

The next step of the drawing. I decided to go with the suggestion of ScarletGothica on DA, which were dark blue hair. At first I thought it wouldn't be that great but I think it's different and since it is a fantasy creature I guess there is no limits to colours anyway.
Thanks Scarlet and thanks to everyone else for your suggestions, regarding hair, colours etc.

I managed to make the tail a bit longer and I already think it helped. Also included a close-up of her face as it's hard to tell on the small drawing.

I think this drawing is going to take a very long time. I am working on it alongside with my all new project which I am so exited about (= I will tell you more soon and of course show when it has arrived.

I'm modeling my mermaid after Lena, whom I have used several time, for my fairies especially. She has a wonderful stock worth checking out ♥
You can see the reference here: link

Created with Caran d'Ache and Faber Castell colour pencils.
30x40 cm | 12x16"
Thursday, 24 March 2011

Time Photoshoot

Yesterday I did a new photo shoot with my friend Andy. I was using the butterfly pocket watch for a few ideas, a dead bunny toy, cherry blossoms and lingerie. Basically a bit of everything :) I very much enjoyed it, it's been a while since our last shoot.

I caught another cold, most likely after the Rise Against concert last Sunday, which was super awesome by the way!:)
Luckily we got so much sun and mild water here it doesn't bother me as much. Just want to get well quickly so I can get out and enjoy the sun again =)

Things are going well at the moment, I feel happier and brighter times are ahead.

A little photo from the shoot:
Tuesday, 22 March 2011

First Mermaid wip

Last year around this time I started a large mermaid drawing, using a Danish friend of mine who were kind enough to do a shoot for me. Unfortunately I ripped the paper and never got to finish the drawing. I decided to start over with a different model and pose, hopefully it can inspire me to start my original mermaid drawing during the summer. You never know :)

I'm modeling my mermaid after Lena, whom I have used several time, for my fairies especially.
You can see the reference here: link

This is the drawing so far. About 3-4 hours into the piece by now.
Still debating whether she should have dark brown of fierce red hair. Any suggestions?

I think this is going to be another challenge with her tail and the undersea scape. Hopefully one I will manage. I'm very motivated at this point.

Pocket Watch Butterfly and spring air

This is a pocket watch I bought last year. I don't actually use it but when I saw it I had to own it. I thought it would be amazing for a photo shoot with a vintage theme. I have a bird cage that goes very well together with it so when spring comes and we get more light I will get my beautiful friend and do some shooting :love:

I am doing a drawing with the watch as a test but I think I might change it to a painting if I feel skilled enough - eventually =)

Here in Denmark we have had such wonderful weather today, filled with sun and warmth. It's incredible ♥
Been out shopping gifts for my friend's little boy. He just turned 5 yesterday and today we are going out for (running) sushi - by his demand; I love that boy.

Hope you have a great day!:)
Friday, 18 March 2011

Little Mermaid ACEO + more

I have to say after starting out being sick mostly all the time and drawing very little early this year I've been in a drawing mode lately.
These were done for the ACEO trade contest we had at the ZZ Frums: link
Just for the fun of it really:)

Little Mermaid ACEO

Heart Eye

Another one, as a preparation for a upcoming commission:

The original ACEO drawing is up for auction here:
Tuesday, 15 March 2011

Spring Heart ACEO

Spring Heart ACEO; The positive version of Winter Heart, inspired by the sunshine here lately and the way I feel ♥

Kitten gift for a friend

This little ACEO drawing I did of Robin's cat, as a thank you for helping me out the past month shipping my new cards and bookmarks.
I very much enjoyed creating it as her cats are so beautiful

ACEO stands for Art Cards, Editions and Originals and are very collectible.
An ACEO measure 2.5x3.5 inches (64x89mm)

Done with charcoal during the weekend.
Monday, 14 March 2011

New Postcards and bookmarks

I was very exited to receive my brand new postcards and bookmarks. I've been saving up last year to buy a lot at once, now I should be stocked for a while.
A special thanks to my friend Robin, who helped me ship them off to me.

They look very much like my old ones but they are a bit different in size, 4x6inches (10x15cm).

They are available here, more will be added the following days:

My new bookmarks are in limited stock. I just felt like having an alternative to the sleeved bookmarks I have. They are like my Christmas give away; cardboard, glossy and with round edges.
They will be available soon.

I wish you a great new week ahead. Lots of sunshine here in Denmark today, it's really nice for a change :)

New fairy drawing teasers

I started a new drawing this weekend. Just a little fun and colourful one. As soon as we get our drawing table up and working I am going to start on a large painting I have planned.

Tuesday, 8 March 2011

New Venture - Painting

Late last year I did my first painting. I was visiting my friend and stayed up most of the night painting. It really intrigued me and mesmerized me in a way I hadn't thought.
It made me want to paint more as it wasn't completely bad - considering it was my first time painting an actual figure.

In January I bought a lot more paint and did a new painting of a little gold fish. It's still not all completed but I decided to post it anyway, so you can see the beginning of my painting adventure :)
I am not sure if I will finish it anytime soon but it did enjoy learning while painting this. It's very very different from the way you draw and it took some time for me to make it work.
It's a little hard to tell on this photograph but the cold shimmers in real life and give a more round feeling.

I am painting with acrylic and I only invested in some cheap paint that had premixed colours to start out easy :)

The canvas is 40x40cm (16x16")

I have another much bigger drawing in mind, when I dare to. With our new drawing table it might be easier to work with since it's hard to have a huge canvas at the couch.

My day - Ikea

Nothing like spending time with the person you love the most - shopping for print paper and stools ;)

It's been a while since we went to IKEA, I don't really like going there unless it's very very early in the morning or very very late - it's the only time you can avoid too many people with the same idea. It can be a bit exhausting to shop there unless you just go after what you need.

We finally got our bar stools for the kitchen, after 3 months of wait. It was great to finally get them. Now we can sit and eat and relax while the other one cooks, which will be really great, especially in the summer time when it's not so cold in the kitchen.
It's pretty cool they made them in 2 sizes, 63cm or 74cm we got the lower one which means I can touch the floor - yay for that ;)

We are slowly turning out home into our dream home. Another amazing buy we did was a new drawing table. We've wanted this table especially since late 2009 but at the time we moved here and finally had the money and space it was sold out. Little did we know it was there again when we walked by.
Words can't describe how happy I am.
I've never had a drawing table before, always drew on the couch but I think it will be good for my back to actually sit near a table and not curled up at the couch, though it's incredible comfortable, I got to admit =)

All in all a good day ♥
Monday, 7 March 2011

Winter Heart

This drawing was inspired by a sadness I have at the moment. Sometimes I just get so disappointed in people, I feel like you never really know people and sometimes I feel like I should just stop letting people in. Then again, I don't want to turn into a cold person and I want to believe in the good in people even though lately it's been hard.
I guess I'm just a little blue. Today the sun is shining and I feel much better.

Me holding the drawing, to show just how small it is:
Thursday, 3 March 2011

Tears of yesterday

After my time consuming Snow White drawing I felt like creating a black and white charcoal drawing with a dark mood for a change. The concept is hardly anything new but still I felt like drawing this, just to relax with my beloved charcoal. I saw the beautiful stock photo of Liam-Stock, whom I have used quite a few times last year and I knew I had to draw it: link

Made with soft charcoal.
29.7x40cm | 11x16"
Wednesday, 2 March 2011

New drawing teasers

After my very detailed Snow White drawing I really felt in the mood for a black and white charcoal drawing. I needed something simpler, faster and a little test for an upcoming commission I am doing for a beautiful girl.

Today we had take-out. I had nachos and it was heavenly. I really really love that =)
Gave me lot of energy for drawing.
I'm starting on some bigger projects very soon and need to get an idea for something special and dark, still not sure what to create yet but I guess it will come to me soon.

Sweet dreams.
Tuesday, 1 March 2011

Sleeping Beauty Snow White completed

I am very happy to finally show my finished drawing; Sleeping Beauty (Snow White).
It took me almost 6 full days of work to complete this. Needless to say the ivies took me an incredible amount of time. For some reason my patience have been extra good this year.
The model is Debbie Smith, whom I have used numerous times. When she started posting at the ZindyZone Forum I fell for her unique beauty. When she posted a stock series of Snowwhite photos I fell for the pose and decided to do a Sleeping Beauty.
Photo: link I have to admit I didn't try as hard to resemble her as I usually do, I mainly used the pose but you'll hopefully still recognize some of her features.
The drawing is all done with colour pencils and Lana drawing paper.

Thanks for the encouraging comments to the wip.

I think my next drawing is going to be Gothic/dark :)

She's available at: link