Tuesday, 2 March 2010

Sunshine + Flower Girl Summer

Flower Girl Summer
Today I finished my next girl in the Flower Girl series; summer. Something soft, light pink and blonde. She's made with soft pastels on my usual Winsor&Newton drawing paper.

I can't believe we've had sun for the past days here... today was really bright and lovely. At the same time huge snowflakes were falling down - very weird!
Anyway, brighter days will come now :)


Kas said...

Oh, how gorgeous.
I remember when you said we could submit photos for this series. I took a few, but the best one I ended up looking a bit angry I thought so I never sent it.
Anyways, this one turned out absolutely lovely. I love the handful of freckles--they add such character. :)

Zale Zillions said...

So pretty! It's nice and cheerful! Oh and I love the new banner. Do you have good knowledge of CSS or how do you do your layouts?

Zindy S. D. Nielsen said...

Thank you both.

Kassy, you should send them, I am still looking for the last models. I am searching for different types and nationalities. Even an angry one could be suitable for a more edge girl :)

Pierre, glad you like it. I mainly have knowledge of Photoshop, that's where I do most of the grafic. This layout is done in Artisteer, which I bought a month back. It does not demand a lot of technical knowlegde and you can spice it up with your own images and grafic which is perfect for me.

Eugen Caitaz said...

Zindy, she is so wonderful and beautiful! I just don't have words! ;)
Oh now, I don't received your mail yet!!!

nihrida said...

Great one! Very spring-y looking. =) I love her eyes and freckles. Great job, Zindy!

Zindy S. D. Nielsen said...

Thank you both. I don't understand why you haven't gotten it yet Jenea, Nihrida who I sent the other one got it 2 weeks back and they were shipped the same day :/