Wednesday, 17 March 2010

Angelfish + New Pastels

So, this was a little test I did last weekend. I am going to do my first mermaid drawing and I wanted to at least have tried drawing the water and fish to see how well I would do. Angelfish is one of my favorite fish, they have something elegant about them. It was fun to do this. This is a photo of the drawing and it doesn't show the sparkly parts very well but the scan was even worse.
In December I got a pretty girl from Denmark, Helene, do a couple of photos for me for the mermaid girl. I am really exited to get started.
However, right now I am working on 3 commissions, 1 is a large project, a really cool one which I can't reveal much of as I am not allowed. Anyway, I think I will post wip's of the mermaid drawing since it will be an interested process for me.

We went out and bought some new pastels last weekend too, some especially for this mermaid drawing so it better be good! At the same time we found this complete set of Cretacolor pastels for only 50 $, it's crazy cheap considering I pay about 5.2$ for 1 of my single Faber Castell pastels. I look forward using the Cretacolor pastels for the first time. So far I have only used them in pencil form and they are pretty good to work with.


nihrida said...

WOW! This drawing is!

Zindy S. D. Nielsen said...

Really? I don't know how this drawing will be received actually. It's so different and I don't know.. but I am glad you like it :)

Verena said...

i think its really awesome, too! Great job so far!

Lauren said...

I think you really conveyed the feeling of calm deep waters, very pretty!

nihrida said...

Are you serious, Zindy? I love the softness and the colors and I just ... well, LOVE it!

Eugen Caitaz said...

So beautiful colour!!! =)
My sister told me, that earlier, when I don't born yet, we have, at home, the aquarium with gold fish!! My sister loved fish! But in one day, she, accidentally, hit by the aquarium, and all the water along with the fish turned out on our red carpet! :)

Ester Durães said...

the drawing is quite beautiful, it's weird I'm just commenting it right now but I was looking through your DA and found this one :)
do you work well with pastel sticks? I've bought a small set some months ago but I just find very hard to use it. It's easy to smudge but I have no idea how to do tiny details or do layers. It really annoys me since I spend quite some money on those sticks and wanted to use them :/ do you have any tips or advice, Zindy?
Thanks in advance!