Friday, 19 March 2010

Jensen Ackles - Dark to Light

I don’t know what has gotten into me lately but I am drawing so much and really feeling it! Aside from commission I am doing many of my own drawings and completing elder ones. Maybe it’s the sun, maybe it’s my current weird state of mind. Whatever it is it’s nice and I am taking fully advantage of it.

This drawing I did today. I felt it was too long since I did my last Jensen drawing and I found this very contrasted photo of him to work from. He got such distinct features, really like his lips, they are so luscious :D
I am quite the Supernatural fan and I really like the development of his character.

Charcoal on sketch paper.
21x29cm | 8x11 inches


Zale Zillions said...

Lol@ luscious! Don't u just love when you get a ref. with great lighting like this? But yes great work. Seems like I'm the opposite. I stopped drawing for a few days all together. Enjoy the burst of inspiration we want to see more! hehe

nihrida said...

WOW! O.o

Eugen Caitaz said...

This drawing is so profesional, when I look on your work, my mood is rise!

I don't know why, but I never not watched Supernatural!!! =) Zindy, you watch Lost yet???

Zindy S. D. Nielsen said...

Jenea, Yes indeed I did, I loved the episode with Ben, he's such a great actor! Can't wait for the next one :)