Monday, 8 March 2010

New Postcards + New Chocolate!

I thought I would share with you a few new postcards I got in the mail today with my drawings. I love postcards, I also sell them on my web shop. The quality is just so shiny and great. I do not only buy them for selling matters as I like to have them myself, they add something exclusive to the drawings I think :)
If you'd like to see the ones I sell they are here:

Look at the above photo... we just had a new line of chocolate here in Denmark, Toms - Guldbarre (gold). It's some of the best chocolate in Denmark and now they made this very girl appealing milk chocolate with sugar coated almonds. I can't wait to taste it in a minute ;)

I haven't drawn anything the past days, although I got lots to do with commissions and a few personal drawings waiting to be done. I guess I should go draw now?


Eugen Caitaz said...

hihihi! I think, you need to draw - one Toms chocolate!!!! :)))))

Zindy S. D. Nielsen said...

Yes and I did!:D

nihrida said...

Whenever I see your new work I'm blown away. You must be so hard working...You can take a day off.
Don't forget it's supposed to be fun, so enjoy your art. Do you make a living with your drawings?

Zindy S. D. Nielsen said...

Oh yes, it should and it is :) Yes I do, so I kind of have to keep at it for the most part. Some days I don't feel inspired and I don't draw, other days I just feel like doing anything else though I have commissions in line and you always feel a certain pressure to get them done but I have learned it doesn't work unless I am inspired so for the most part I only work on them when I am really inspired.

Nicole said...

Like mother like daughter...Gotta have some chocolate for inspiring I always say...:D
Love ya Sweetheart....Muaahhhh....HUGZ...XOXO

Liubovi said...

i like chocolates too)))then i eat delicious chocolate some new ideas come in my head. i think you must eat this chocolate, and then a lot of ideas will be around you!