Friday, 30 September 2011

My week + new work

My week didn't turn out as I had hoped. I was sick with migraine for the past 3 days which set me back with everything. Sometimes I just wish I could stop time and breath so deep and peacefully in silence. I feel I can't keep up at times and being behind all the times can be rather frustrating. I am glad I had some understanding customers so I can relax this weekend and catch up with everything next week.

Weather has been incredible beautiful this week, it almost feels like spring, the smell - the feel. Strangely enough when winter is just around the corner. As much I love it it also worries me that things are so strange with our world. It wouldn't surprise me if next week we have strong winds and maybe even snow.

My calendar is still not all completed as I can't seem to kick myself finishing the front cover. Maybe it's due to me trying something all new with mixing medias this week. I'm always very excited when I try something new or re-find my passion for old things.

At the beginning of the week I posted the little ACEO; A Gothic Dream. It was my first time using markers with colour pencils. I really like how it looks as it gives such a nice base for skin. When drawing on grainy paper it can be hard to get the colour pencils to look even, not to mention the scanning. It tends to make things look worse. I miss my old scanner which was closer to the originals.

I definitely think it's something I want to continue doing and testing some more.

This week I drew on my all new fairy work; Winter's Sleep. It's my first big and detailed drawing mixing things. I feel a little proud of it, which doesn't happen very often with me.
She's 40x40 cm | 16x16", created with makers and colour pencils.
She's going in my fantasy calendar, in fact she's the last drawing.

Pale Rose ACEO was a little drawing I did after A Gothic Dream late at night when testing again.

With this post I wish you a happy weekend. I hope mine will be better.
Monday, 26 September 2011

My weekend and little preview of new drawing

A new week begins after an amazing weekend. It's been one of the best weekends in a long time. I spent it with my boyfriend, cooking, putting stuff up (we still got shelves not being up yet and curtains and other smaller stuff that you sometimes postpone for a little too long). It felt good to just do something together. Also enjoyed the beautiful weather here, was a very sunny and a bit windy day yesterday, perfect for a bike ride at the beach.

The weekend also had a lot of drawing and I managed to get half through my last drawing for the fantasy calendar, which means I am very close to the end now and can have it available very soon.
I've decided to sell my calendar through Zazzle this year. It will save a lot of shipping for people in the US and you can decide size and details this way to.

Usually I have them printed at a local printer here in Denmark but think it's time to try something new this year.

This should be a busy week for me, 2 commissions I need completed, a calendar and a special meeting with a lot of cute animals =) Will tell you more soon.

Wishing you all a great new week...

Friday, 23 September 2011

A Gothic Dream ACEO

I feel this week has gone way too fast. I didn't even come close to finishing what I needed. I hope new week will be better and more productive for me.

A little drawing before the weekend. I've tried something new technique wise, I will tell you more about it with my next drawing.

Have a great weekend all of you.

Original up for sale at the store: LINK
Sunday, 18 September 2011

Luminance Colour Pencils

I was recently gifted this set of Luminance Colour pencils from Carah d'Ache. I've had a few singles for some time and it was instant love.

They are very smooth and the colours very intense plus have an excellent light-fastness. I have a drawing in process where I used 2 reds in this series and they haven't faded a bit yet. I used to have a bit of issues with red often fading after some time. It never occurred to me just how important it is to have light resistant colour pencils. I'm still using my other colour pencils as I've always mixed many brands as all seem to have their great colours and put together works perfect.

I highly recommend these for any colour pencil lover! :)
Tuesday, 13 September 2011

Help me with new cover drawing

I am just about to complete the final 2 drawings for my fantasy 2012 calendar.
This is going to be the cover of the calendar. I originally intended for Snow White to be on the cover but felt I wanted to do something special for it this year.
It's going to be about summer memories, not necessary bad, just that feeling you sometimes have when things you enjoy so much end. It's definitely not about my summer this year as it was not very memorable but just in general when you have a great time and don't want it slipping away.
My first idea was actually to have a carved heart in an old tree and then sky fading out towards the left side maybe with a bit of grass showing.
Maybe I should keep it more simple or add more details to the background. If you have any suggestions to scenery or anything else please share, it might get me some inspiration to do a really nice background.
Sunday, 11 September 2011

Mermaid drawing completed

I am very happy to be able to show you the finished version of my mermaid drawing. I lost a bit of interest in it when I started it March this year, not sure how many of you even remember it. However, a customer was very interested in buying her so I thought I should get myself to finish her. Luckily I did and the scan turned out okey, I guess it had a good day.
She's done with colour pencils, background done with pastels. I originally intended a detailed background but as I lost a bit of interest in it I decided to just do water for now.
30x40cm | 12x16"

Available as print through my shop: LINK
Available as mousepad, cards, buttons and more here: LINK
Saturday, 10 September 2011

Autumn Heart Auction

Here's my new little Autumn Heart ACEO drawing, up for auction at Ebay (for only 3 days).
You can see how small it is compared to me :)

Here's the other 2 I did earlier this year, Spring Heart & Winter Heart:

Friday, 9 September 2011


Here she is finished. I called it June because it was an emotionally bad time for me. I believe I have put the worst behind me now and with Autumn approaching I am positive the rest of the year will be better and happier.
I feel as if the girl in my drawing looks sad but also as if she's dreaming herself away from everything and hide her "emotions" with her hand.

Done with graphite pencils.
40x30cm | 16x12"

Thanks to Samisox-Stock

5th Birthday + Give Away

Birthday Give Aways

I am giving this fine matte print away of Sad Butterfly Girl to 1 customer who buys in September.
Sad Butterfly was one of my first fantasy drawings and has been one of my most popular drawings ever since.
It does not matter if you buy a small postcard, a bookmark, tube or prints etc,
everyone has a chance of getting picked as the winner will be chosen randomly.

I am giving away a Love Pack to a random fan on Facebook.
All you need to do is “Like” this post on Facebook and it could be yours. Read much more here: LINK

You can take part in both give aways if you wish :)

ZindyZone Shop – Now and then

In the fall of 2006 the ZindyZone Shop was officially opened. It started out offering prints.
The prints were all done at a local print company in Denmark and was of great semi-gloss quality.
For a few years this was the only product in the shop.

In 2008 things started changing and there were new products available.
In the fall of 2008 I was able to offer postcards and greeting cards. All printed on thick cardstock with a beautiful glossy finish. They quickly grew in popularity and today
I have over 30 drawings available as postcards.

I had buttons available for a short period of time but I wasn’t 100% happy with the company delivering
them and decided to take them off my shop till I was able to find a better quality else where.
They will return in the shop if I do.

Other product that followed were my magnets and keyrings. The keyrings are all personalized with small charms.

Recently I had Clocks available in the shop as well which took me a year to find the needed materials.

Not too long ago I got a brand new type of bookmark printed on card stock.

I was very happy to be able to sell my own tubes through my shop, which happened summer 2008.
It has been great for me to go independent with my tubes and since then things have been really well.

In 2008 I also released my first art calendars, The Light and The Dark which was a great success.
The best of 2012 calendar has just been released in August through Zazzle.
The fantasy calendar for next year will be released later this year.

There will soon be a few more products available in my shop, which includes large posters of a few of my drawings.
The rest is to be a surprise.

Thanks for everything over the years!


Birthday Specials

Double up on postcard
Buy 1 postcard - get 2 of the same
(you can also choose a different one, it doesn't have to be 2 of the same, just write your wished postcards at checkout)

Double up on prints, buy 1 - get 2, buy 2 - get 4 and so on.
(This applies for all 8.2x11.7 prints and smaller)

Double up on bookmarks, buy 1, get 2. Buy 2 - get 4 and so on.
Lots of tube at only 0.50$ - This weekend only.

Lots of original drawings on sale!

All offers ends monday next week, so hurry up and get yours.

You can find all the specials here:

Note: Free shipping to all over the world.

Visit the shop here:

Thursday, 8 September 2011

Lazy Afternoons

This was a cat portrait I did earlier this year but just found it in one of my folders recently. I finished her up and here she is. I fell for the cute expression she had and thought it would be a little challenge with the striped fur + I always found short haired cats the hardest to draw.
The cat belongs to AnnaKirsten: link
29.7x21cm | 11.7x8.2"
Wednesday, 7 September 2011

Black Beauty Cat

This is my latest drawing.
I'd like to get back into drawing cats regularly and thought I'd challenge myself with a close up. It took quite some time to do this portrait but I felt I learned something during the process so it certainly wasn't a waste of time. My favourite part to do was the nose area, the challenge of getting the shine in the fur and little highlights.
Thanks to Robin for once again lending me her cute cat for drawing.

She's done with charcoal. A4 (8x10")