Monday, 30 November 2009

Wii I love it

A few weekends back I got two awesome things in the mail - EA Active and Sports Resort. I love both games. Sports resort is so much fun, my boyfriend and I used pretty much all saturday the 14th on playing it. Swordplay and Basketball are definitely my favourite games and really gets you going.

I have wanted these games for so long, so it was pretty amazing to finally have them. EA active still gives me sore legs and back when playing, I guess it shows how little you use the muscles normally or maybe I am just in a bad shape?


Eugen Caitaz said...

I know this game but I never not play in it!!!
I think what you liked it :)
Zindy I try to draw something, look on my last post! What do you think about it?

caring friend said...

Hey Zindy i love your drawings!!! They're the best ever!!! Can you draw something for christmas?? I'de love to see that!!