Monday, 16 November 2009

The making of Summer Feelings

I did this drawing tonight, as I felt like doing a couple drawing and the one I have in progress already is a little complicated. I am working on a rather detailed couple drawing in graphite pencil, which I have put a lot of hours into so far. Sometimes it's nice to just grap the charcoal and relax and draw without thinking too much about it. It's probably the medium I feel the most comfortable with by now.

There isn't too many steps on this "making of" as I forgot to scan it in the end. Hope you like to watch it still :)
You can find more info about the drawing on my website, as usual.

Have a nice evening everyone ♥


Eugen Caitaz said...

Hi Zindy!!! You know Jorge Garcia's e-mail!!! I want write something to him, but I don't know her e-mail!!! Beforethanks! :)

Zindy S. D. Nielsen said...

You can always try and write him at his blog, he's nice, I am sure he will reply back to you there.
I don't think he would like his email public.

Eugen Caitaz said...

I understand you Zindy!!! I think so too, what his email is don't for all! and I think what he listen me in his blog!!!

Eugen Caitaz said...

Hi Rafa! Look here;

Melani said...

You are an amazing artist. You've really inspired me.

Kristina said...

Hello, Zondy!
I'm Kris, from Romania and I wanna tell you that you are a genius.I love your drawing style and I admire your drawings since I was much younger [13-14 years]
You rock!
Keep it real.:)

Kristina said...

Zindy*, sorry.My bad.:*

molodoi-da-vinci said...

ja du bist wircklich ein genie deine bilder inspieriren mich sehr wenn du mal meine seite besuchst wirst du auch an ein paar bilder sehen wie sehr, würde mich freuen wenn du dir mal die zeit nimmst und es dir einfach anschaust

Daniel Santisteban Arbaiza said...

thanx for posting your "making of"s, you're the best :)