Wednesday, 9 December 2009

November over so soon

I am amazed how fast November went by. It was a great month for me artistically but not so much health wise. Started out being sick almost 14 days, missed one of my best friend’s 30th birthday which I was a little sad about.
I have noticed the past 3 years how inspired I have been each November. It’s kind of weird for it to be this particularly month but I always seem to be inspired to draw a lot and usually darker more gothic themed drawings. I think I am more affected by the weather and seasons than I thought I was. November being rather dark and grey in Denmark.
Today it’s the 9th of December and I wonder where the time went?
Sometimes I wish I could stop time and live some of the same moments over and over again. I really had some beautiful moments in November that I want to keep living <3

Lately I have been back to pastels, which I haven’t done that much in a while. It’s one of my favourite mediums but also one of the things I am the least confident with. I do however love it for so many reasons. My latest piece is Dark Moon, a darker drawing, I started in November already but because of health problems I had to do it in small steps. I am finally near the end and feel happy with it.
The process so far:


nihrida said...

You should be more confident...this drawing looks great! =)

Kas said...

I absolutely ADORE this piece, Zindy!! And I'm glad November has been (mostly) good for you. It was rather chaotic for me, but December has settled down nicely. :]

Zindy S. D. Nielsen said...

Thank you all :)
IJ; that is great, December were busy for me but now the worst it over and I look forward to the holidays with family.