Monday, 16 November 2009

Shopping New Artstuff

This weekend was great, I spend it shopping with my love and bought some new drawing materials. I have to say, for me shopping art supplies is so much better than clothing ;)

I was able to get an old pastel skin tone which hadn’t been available in a long time, I was pretty thrilled about this, as a lot of skin tones look too pink even when used with other colours.

I also got a lot of new colours in my favourite colour pencil brand: Supracolor. I got a lot of purple and violet tones as well as some new green tones. I think I have a very large range of olive green colours by now, it’s a great colour for eyes and trees and I loved it when I found a dark olive a while back. Now I have; Olive, Olive Brown, Olive Black and a Khaki Green. A few years back I definitely had more pink, blue and grey colours.

Oh and at last I fell for this mechanical pencil (at first because it had baby blue at the end :)) but then I realised it was very soft and I might be able to work with it. I never drew with a mechanical pencil before but after trying it out this weekend (a quick buttefly) I definitely see it has its advantages. I look forward using it much more.


Eugen Caitaz said...

Aloha Zindy!!!! I am first yohooooooo! :)
I like your work!!! It's very beautiful and elegant!

Zale Zillions said...

You love butterfles! lol

Zindy S. D. Nielsen said...

Thank you Jenea, glad you like my drawings. Pierre, indeed I do, how did you come to that conclusion ;)

strainstrain said...

I loved shopping art-supplies with you baby<3