Saturday, 7 November 2009

The making of Jorge Garcia as Hurley

Today I did a drawing of my favourite character of Lost; Hurley. I've been fond of him from the very beginning, his story is both sad and touching and I always enjoy the Hurley episodes the most. I wanted to do an emotional drawing of him showing some of the things I feel portrays the character Hurley. I based my drawing on a screen capture of Lost.

The drawing is made with soft charcoal on Winsor&Newton smooth drawing paper. 11x8 inches. I used around 6 hours straight on the drawing. Now I really need to sleep :)


Nikki said...

looks great Zindy!

Unknown said...

The drawing is Super as ever.
I like youre blog too! Succes with the blog.
Shepperd65 (deviantart)
PS. I can't get this send and i don't know what's wrong because i don't understand the Danisch language :-(

Unknown said...

Ok, i managed to send it :-)

Seacrist Sensational Scraps said...

Great drawing Zindy! Congrats on becoming one of the blogging community!


Erin said...

Hey, really nice job! I'm a huge Hurley fan too. You capture him extremely well!

Joan Crawford said...

Holy crap! This is amazing!

Bethany James Leigh Shady said...

that's pretty fantastic, zindy! awesome job.

Jorge Garcia said...

Wow. That's really impressive. Thanks for the tribute, it's awesome.

andalone said...

I am so glad I happened to read the comments on Mr. Garcia's blog and found my way here. That is an outstanding tribute! Very nicely done!

Kas said...

Thanks for posting the WiPs! I'm such a visual learner that it always helps me to see the way other artists form their creations. Love this one, Zindy!! :]

(x-wolfgirl-x) <- on dA

Paul Spooner said...

Bloody Amazing!

Nene said...

great art, luv it

Eugen Caitaz said...

Aloha!!! Zindy!!! Your work is really cool and Awesome!!! Good luck in your next job!!! :))))

Jessie Rayot said...

You are very talented, Zindy! That is a beautiful drawing, and it does capture Hurley very well!

Ester Durães said...

Hi Zindy! :)
congrats for the blog ;)
I really like this drawing, as I already said before, it's amazing and very realistic and I don't understand how you managed to do it in only 6 hours. I love to see the WIP's. :)

ArtforLife42 said...

this is really good :) I'd love to see more.

Malea said...

Beautiful work! You are very talented.

Zindy S. D. Nielsen said...

Thanks so much everyone ♥
I am very happy you like it Jorge, thrilled you actually got to see it.

Unknown said...

wow great job

James Hernandez said...

Very nice!

Zale Zillions said...

Wow I love it! Oh and I love your layout! Are you experienced with HTML?

Joe said...

Zindi, this is amazing stuff..
am really thrilled by the way you have done this portrait..
hats off to you..
Your dA friend..

Zindy S. D. Nielsen said...

Thank you much.
Pierre, a little. However, it's not that difficult to create your design in here, combined with a little photoshop you will be fine :)

Lustre0fHope said...

Hi Zindy,
Where do I go to purchase your Lost tubes?
I saw someone that had used them and I can't find them on your site. I'd love to be able to purchase them. :)
Thank you for sharing your fantastic art with us taggers!!