Tuesday, 26 October 2010

Wind of change

Today's been a day filled with sunshine, a cold breeze, shopping and lots of headache at the end of the day. All in all a good day despite the last part.

My sis, her bf, niece and my mom came to Cph to shop in Ikea and I joined them. I bought the cutest little tins with stars and I found a white Christmas tree!♥ This year will be the first time we have a Christmas tree my love and I. We've wanted a less traditional tree, we could decorate with black and reddish cute stuff. I'm not a Christian really but growing up I don't remember Christmas as we didn't celebrate it for many years and I've always wanted to feel the spirit of Christmas and create my own traditions with my love and future family. The nice loving spirit I mean - not the commercial money-absorbed Christmas.

I finished this one long ago, waited over 2 months to get the courage to paint snow on with tempera instead of drawing it and in the end the result didn’t please me at all. Yay for that. Anyway, here he is finished. The model is gorgeous, very handsome and draw-able. I know - I need to draw more males.

The idea of the drawing is obvious I guess: the autumn leaves falling and the white winter taking over.

Created with colour pencils + Lana Sketching paper.
11x8 inches | 29.7x21cm

Reference from the great photographer: link
Photo used: link


Kas said...

I very much love the concept of this one. <3

Zindy S. D. Nielsen said...

Glad you do Kassy, just wish it was tad better completed.

Strawberry said...

he is gorgeous! can you feel the texture of the snow from the paint Zindy? that would be amazing.