Saturday, 30 October 2010

I can't wait

I can't wait till tomorrow, it's going to be awesome!=)
Today I've been testing makeup and necklace - I am going to be a Fallen Angel. Come tomorrow :D
What are you going to be if you celebrate it? Do you live in a country where it's much celebrated? Sadly Denmark do not have any real traditions when it comes to Halloween - I'd love to hear yours.
My love and I are going to have a little party with our closest friend before attending a concert at Forbraending in DK. I am sure it will be a great night :) It's actually going to be the last party we'll have here in our old home.

Happy Halloween guys!:)
Tuesday, 26 October 2010

You promised

... you'd never break my heart.

Charcoal, 21x29.7cm | 8x11"

Wind of change

Today's been a day filled with sunshine, a cold breeze, shopping and lots of headache at the end of the day. All in all a good day despite the last part.

My sis, her bf, niece and my mom came to Cph to shop in Ikea and I joined them. I bought the cutest little tins with stars and I found a white Christmas tree!♥ This year will be the first time we have a Christmas tree my love and I. We've wanted a less traditional tree, we could decorate with black and reddish cute stuff. I'm not a Christian really but growing up I don't remember Christmas as we didn't celebrate it for many years and I've always wanted to feel the spirit of Christmas and create my own traditions with my love and future family. The nice loving spirit I mean - not the commercial money-absorbed Christmas.

I finished this one long ago, waited over 2 months to get the courage to paint snow on with tempera instead of drawing it and in the end the result didn’t please me at all. Yay for that. Anyway, here he is finished. The model is gorgeous, very handsome and draw-able. I know - I need to draw more males.

The idea of the drawing is obvious I guess: the autumn leaves falling and the white winter taking over.

Created with colour pencils + Lana Sketching paper.
11x8 inches | 29.7x21cm

Reference from the great photographer: link
Photo used: link
Sunday, 24 October 2010

An Autumn Night

When I saw the cute photo of Robin and Selina I started drawing it right away – I just had to ^^ It’s adorable and something about the expression in Robin’s eyes and Selina’s is just perfect. I decided to go with the autumn feel and yet another moon. The drawing belongs to Robin :heart:

Robin’s photo:

Created with soft pastels and charcoal.
30x40cm | 12x16”

♥ Available at: link
Saturday, 23 October 2010

Close to the end Dark Love

This is the last preview before the finished drawing.

I can’t believe I got through the purple background! I think about 7-8 hours + half a colour pencil went into it and I am definitely tired or drawing purple by now.

Have a great weekend <3
Tuesday, 19 October 2010

Rainful Evening

This evening it's been raining so much. It's starting to get colder too... very autumn.

I just took this photo, the view to our backyard. In a little over a month the view will be slightly different, from the 4th floor :) I want to remember the nice moments we've had here and the fact that people didn't complain about the stairs. Soon it's back to the 4th ^^
Sunday, 17 October 2010

Dark Love in progress

I've been working on this new piece for the past 4 days. It's going to be quite dark in both drawing style and theme. The colour theme is going to be black/white/purple. I don't use these colours together too often, thought it would be a nice change.

I'm creating her with colours pencils and Lana sketch paper.

I want it to go in line with Lost Dreams, one of my most personal drawings, as well as Dark Hope. The "checkered floor" series :)

Soft Dreams Pinup

I wanted to do a very cutie cute pinup and just focus on body proportions and skin tone. I really enjoyed creating this one and am quite happy how the face turned out. It can be a little difficult when working on small faces.

Reference from private photo shoot with my model, changed up a bit. I chose this particular pose as I thought it was a bit different, loved the angle for the hands especially.

Made with colour pencils and pastels on Lana drawing paper (150g/m2).
8.2x11.7" | 21x29.7cm

Available through my shop:
Friday, 15 October 2010

Luminance Pencils

I recently came across these colours pencils from one of my favourite brands; Caran d’Ache. Luminance Permanent colour. I have to say I love the creamy consistency of the pencil. My preferred colour pencils are Caran d‘Ache’s Supracolor watercolour pencils. The Luminance pencils are even softer than these and work great when blending with other colour pencils. I mainly work with watercolour pencils as they tend to be softer and easier to blend when used together. (I don’t use water with them though it’s possible).
The Luminance comes in a great colour range, so far I only have a couple of them due to the high price. I have pale purple tones along with the raw umber 10%, which I haven’t tried yet but imagine being perfect for lighter hair.
I strongly recommend these pencils.

I just wanted to share these with you. Have a great weekend!♥
Tuesday, 12 October 2010

A bit of love

Last weekend we went to Dyrehaven (a Danish Beautiful Park). It's been such a beautiful weather in Denmark, filled with sun and it wasn't that cold either. I really like this shot of my boyfriend and I ♥

Halloween Witch

The Halloween Witch is done. Completed with colour pencils & soft pastels.
8x11 | 21x29.7cm

Happy Halloween!:)
Monday, 11 October 2010

Sunday Photoshoot

I’ve always been rather fascinated with very contrasted photography. I love when one side is very dark, fading into the lighter side; it has something interesting to me. Not to mention these types of photographs are perfect as references for charcoal artwork :)
Here’s a few photos I took today (due to me posting in the middle of the night it would be yesterday) of my friend Anja-Amanda. While the main topic was cute pinup we did a few at the window in the end. The pinups won’t be public, but the drawings based on some of the shoots will be :)

All in all I really had a wonderful weekend, with my love and with my best friend ♥
Sunday, 10 October 2010

Ice Road Truckers - Deadliest Roads

Being a bit of a Ice Road Truckers fan, I had to see the new show Deadliest Roads, with Alex and Lisa. So far it's crazy, it's so different and definitely exiting. Have you see it? If not, you should :)
Saturday, 9 October 2010

Halloween drawing last night

Last night I stayed up really late and started a little Halloween pin-up drawing, with colour pencils. Been working on it again tonight, so far I like how it's going, it's fun using the purple and orange together. I think the drawing will be a very typical Halloween drawing but at least it's fun =)

Friday, 8 October 2010

New eraser pencil

Last week when we went shopping for art supplies I found this awesome new tool; an eraser pen in the form of a mechanical pencil. It’s probably the best buy in a long time. A few years back I had an eraser pencil, which you would sharpen like normal graphite pencils. This one has the advantage of not breaking when you try to sharpen it. I’ve only tested it briefly but so far I love it. I think it will be a perfect tool for graphite pencil drawings and I will be testing it on a drawing very soon.

The eraser pencil is from the brand Tombo, measuring 2mm in with (eraser).

Too much pink + Last time I see this

I went on with my new "autumn" design a little early as the pink blog was a little too pink, even for me. I guess a week is enough anyway :)

Yesterday we went and bought my new computer, a HP 6563sc. It has Windows 7 which means I managed to avoid Vista – yay for that. I guess it’s the last time I see this:

I have to say I loved Windows XP, it’s been so stable and great to work with. I wish I was able to keep it ^^
I’m really not good with change when it comes to my computer. I generally like to keep the old versions of everything, probably because I know everything so well after 7 years usage. Ah well, it will be good to have a computer which doesn’t freeze for 2-5 minutes at a time and can run bigger programs at the same time.

Bye bye old computer, you did well for the past 7 years =)
Wednesday, 6 October 2010


Originally I wanted to do this idea in colour, with the colours of Autumn and Halloween but I changed my mind last minute and did it in black and white instead. While it's not much Halloween I still think it got the feel of the Autumn, because of the darkness.
I am very happy to actually do this drawing as I've been searching for the right model and kitten, for over a year. I ended up using Nihrida: link as my reference as she did the perfect picture, thanks much to Nihrida ♥

Made with soft charcoal.
21x29.7cm | 8.2x11.7"
Sunday, 3 October 2010

Hope and Flowers

This is my second Breast Cancer Awareness drawing this years.

The drawing is dedicated to Jen who's survived breast cancer 2 times. I love the fact she started Think Pink on DA; it's for such a wonderful cause. It inspired me 4 years back to start doing my yearly drawings and sell them as prints, tubes, postcards etc to collect money for the cause. So far it's been a great success and it makes me happy as it's one of the causes I feel strongly about.

I basically wanted a serene look with a bit of vulnerability but still looking strong, with her head held high. The flowers are symbolic but I guess you can look at it and make your own thoughts.

Thanks to everyone who supports the cause ♥

Made with colour pencils and pastels on Lana drawing paper (150g/m2).
( 7.8x11.7" | 18x29.7mm)

Hope and Flowers the early stage

This is an early stage of my drawing, I always like how natural the colours look on the photographs as oppose to the scan. I wish I had a completely lifelike scanner which would be able to scan the exact colours... maybe somemeday.
Saturday, 2 October 2010

New postcards available

I got home a new bunch of postcards with 4 new motives.
Borrowed Wings, Moon Angel, Best Friends and Dark Hope.
The can be seen along with the other postcards available here:

Gift Pack Give Away

Together with the FB Zindy fansite I am giving away a free gift pack of one of my latest drawings. All you need to do is write in the comments field your name and what you like about the particular drawing. The winner will be chosen randomly by one of the admins.

To participate:
Friday, 1 October 2010

October thoughts

So, it's October, I almost can't believe it... September went by way too fast but then again time always seem to fly by too fast. I wish there were a brake, just to make it stop and last longer once in a while. Especially the moments you just don't want to forgot. People always say time goes faster the older you get, even more so when you have kids. Time is such a strange thing and fascinates me in a way. I remember many years ago when a year would seem like forever but these days a year goes by so fast and suddenly it's your birthday again. It's already over a month ago since I celebrated my birthday and it honestly feels like it was last week.

It makes me want to work harder on what I want to achieve and to get the things done I want done.. some things have taken me many years and I just wish I could motivate myself better to finish them as most things just need the final touch or final decisions - that's where my perfectionism comes in the way. I guess most of the time you just need to do things instead of thinking you can do it tomorrow, cause tomorrow turns to weeks, weeks turns to months and months to years...

In 2006 my life was quite different and I had a drive like no other period in my life. Sometimes when you go through difficult things in life it can motivate you in a way like no other. The thing is; I always remember these periods, despite my rather bad memory and they stick to me like only few things does. It's always these periods when you feel the most lost, sad or struggling. Some kind of high or low in your life... all that is in between always seem to fade for me.

Meeting up with a couple of school friends this year made me realize just how much I don't remember. They would tell a story of how I forgot to lock the door to the toilet (at an independent school we lived at for about 5 months) and one of the handymen came in and I slammed the door right at him, not on purpose, but enough to make him swear really loud. She told me how I felt so bad after wards and was afraid he had seen me and would know next time I passed by him. And while I can easily imagine how much I had laughed too, when sharing my episode I just can't remember any of it anymore. It was in 2003. I wish my memory was better, I want to remember these episode that made life fun - like slamming a door at someones face ;)
I do remember quite clearly how often I had food poisoning as the kitchen was pretty bad. I especially remember one episode where I had kitchen duty and would throw out a whole bunch of milk being 14 days over the date... and the next day I got so much in trouble for it, apparently it's okey to give old milk to students.

In 2 months we are moving to our new home... it's weird. I do look forward to the move, I really do. Our new apartment is beautiful, so big, light and on the 4th floor like we really wanted. We are even going to have an art area at the end of our living room. It's going to be great. But a part of me also feels sad cause we are leaving a part of Copenhagen I really have come to love the past 2 years - Oesterbro. It's such a nice area, close to everything and I generally like how people are around here. But then again, we are moving back to where it all started. Where we first moved in together, even close to our old apartment. That I really look forward to. I guess it's just that feeling of feeling well here, like I know the area, feel safe. I'm not good at moving, I hate "breaking up" and I feel like I have a lot the past years. I like staying in one place - as long as I feel comfortable. So I really really hope I will at our new home.

It's weird, I enjoy the autumn at the moment but at the same time I feel a little sad because when the autumn is over a long grey winter is ahead. Winters can be difficult to get through in Denmark, because we have very little light. Last year we only had a few weeks of sun all together, for a whole 4-5 months. It was hard, the sun does wonders for our mood, especially when you see it seldom.

I guess I should go to sleep now and stop typing :) A few Simpsons should put me to sleep. I sincerely hope you all enjoy the beautiful colourful Autumn.

The Pink Ribbon

Breast Cancer Awareness drawing 2010

This is my breast cancer awareness drawing this year. I wanted it to be simple but with a deep expression.

Cancer in any form is horrible and while I luckily haven't had it I've got people close to me who's been affected by it. It's very unfair disease which you can't fully prevent whether or not you live a healthy life. It can hit anyone at any age.

The drawing is dedicated to anyone who's been affected by cancer.

I'm selling prints, tubes and more of the drawing here: link
50% of all profit is donated to the Fight Against Cancer Organisation.

Beautiful model: link

Made with soft charcoal and pink pastel.
(21x29.7cm | 8.2x11.7")