Sunday, 31 January 2010

2 new bookmarks + give-away

I hope you all had a nice weekend, mine wasn't very good but tomorrow a new week starts and hopefully it will be much better and brighter.

I designed 2 new bookmarks today, with my latest Dark Lily and Unleash the butterflies. I wanted them to be a bit special.

I would love to give away 1, to one of my readers. If you'd like one of them just write which you like and you might be the one getting it. I will choose randomly as I can never really decide otherwise when I do these give-aways.
Friday, 29 January 2010

Dark Lily finished + Making of...

I have finished my Dark Lily drawing, after many hours of work. I'm really glad I started this one and I feel like it turned out better than I could have hoped. As I already mentioned the structure of the lilies took some time but was also quite interesting to create. Makes me wonder why I don't draw them more often.

I have included the materials and wip's for those interested :)
Faber Castell Soft charcoal pencil, Winsor&Newton Smooth Surface Cartrigde Pad, 70lbs150gsm/ Faber Castel Kneeded eraser.

Aside from 2 commissions I am working on a very large conceptual drawing, so far I have put 14 hours into it and I probably will double that before I am done. It's done in graphite pencils which I don't use too often anymore. I really can't wait to show that one, as it's something most people can relate to and I am happy to finally starting it.
Monday, 25 January 2010

Dark Lily - 1 step closer

I worked on my drawing most of the today and it's some work with the lilies' structure but I will get there :)

Daybreakers URG and my new drawing wip

So... I saw Daybreakers Saturday evening and gosh! They follow none of the traditional "vampire rules", which is fine if it somehow seems reasonable. I mean you should have the freedom to alter something that isn't actually real to begin with. One major wrong thing in my opinion is this thing where a vampire can get back to being a human by a combination of sun and water, what's up with that? Makes no sense to me. Besides that I just never felt that sympathy for any of the characters because to me you didn't know them deep enough to really care. I kind of like it when you can relate somehow of feel something towards them, it makes you feel more attached to the movie.
If you are thinking about watching this movie don't do it because it's awesome or scary - most of the people in the cinema laughed, so aim for a good laugh ;)

On a different note I just did the lineup of my latest drawing, Dark Lily. I need to get my pencils moving again after a rather drawing-lazy January. Just thought I would show you. It will be done in charcoal, my favourite medium, before I begin any major drawing. I've had a mermaid drawing planned since the beginning of December just not gotten around starting it yet as I couldn't decide on all the details. It will be my first mermaid drawing, should be fun :)

Hope you all had a nice weekend!
Friday, 22 January 2010

My super cool boots and a mask

Yesterday I needed to shop some stuff for my sister and came across these amazing rain boots :D I totally love them and got them for about 15$. I guess I have a thing for rain boots, quite possible due to the fact we have lots of rain in Denmark and there really is no worries when you have a pair of these.

A few weekends ago my mom, sister and her daughter came for a visit and we went shopping, as girls obviously do. Among other things I found this mask I have been looking for. I mainly want to decorate it and use it for a photoshoot in the spring. I already have the design in mind, I just hope I manage to actually create it.

Besides that I have been using the past days decorating my new blog, I bought this program and I totally love it, I already made several designs. So you probably will see a lot of different designs in the future :)

Tomorrow we will go see Daybreakers at the movies, I have heard it's bad but we'll see.

Have a great weekend everyone!
Wednesday, 20 January 2010


I guess I had to try and draw big boobies since I always draw them in a very natural size. I got a new corset in Autumn and thought I would do a drawing with my outfit. It's actually a purple corset but I felt the ice blue/baby blue looked better on my girl.
It was fun to do a pin-up type of girl again, I did this over 3 days, along with my big drawing project. She's done with colour pencils, my usual Supracolor and Faber Castell's.
Monday, 18 January 2010

Unleash the butterflies

Unleash the butterflies
So, I just finished my latest work, a gift for an art friend I have known for years.
I asked her to take a couple of photos like this last summer and she made some great ones, I could use for some butterflies and the butterfly key. I really like the concept of it. I worked a lot on it, it's done in charcoal. Started it around Christmas and I think the road was long with this one.
I originally planned it darker but I guess that means I will be doing a similar one in a more gothic dark style too.
Just wanted to show you before I head off to bed with a little headache.
Friday, 15 January 2010


Earlier this week we had so much snow in Denmark, just not much where I live in Copenhagen. Typical! Where I grew up there were so much snow, some had snow up till their roof. I just wished I was there with my camera, that would have made some amazing snow photos for sure. When I was little we would have a lot of snow but for many years there were barely enough to make a snowman. I think 2002 was the last time I actually made a snowball :)
I really look forward to the opportunity of photographing some nice snows capes. Not only do I need them for some of my upcoming drawings but I also just love the magical feel of snow on trees and covering up the ground. It brings me back a movie like The Legend, which was just beautiful. When the sunlight hits the snow it’s pure magic and you forget how cold it is.

If you have taken some snow photos I would love to see them!
I took this one around Christmas after the snow was gone, at my parents house; Frozen Leaves

Today I have been working on my latest drawing, which is in colour and taking quite some time. Can’t decide on a background which really annoys me.
Looking out of the window at the grey sky thinking I should most likely get back to drawing now.
Have a great weekend everyone!:)
Wednesday, 13 January 2010

Normal days ahead and a new product

I finally feel like the normal day is kicking in, after a December filled with family visits and much more. I just had my family for a visit in the weekend, which was nice. Got to shop a bit, not art stuff though :)
Tonight we will have some good friends for dinner. I have a headache but hoping it will pass soon.
I haven't been drawing for 5-6 days now so I am ready to get my pencils and start again. I have a few drawings I need to have done for others and then I am about to start a new drawing, I have been wanting to do for years. It's a remake of one of my older earlier drawings and I really want to make a big drawing, in much more details and much more emotive. I will update previews when I start it as I am hoping it will be my best drawing yet but you never really know before you get started. What you have in your mind is not always what it ends up with on the paper.

Last week I got home a new product with my drawings - mousepads. I always love it when I get home some new products. These are not for sale but I wanted to show them still:

I sell them at my Zazzle store, there are many more to choose from.
Wednesday, 6 January 2010

A new year has started – in case you didn’t notice ;)

I am so happy a new year has begun. I love new years, it’s like a push forward and always so inspirational for me. I feel like this will be a great year. I loved 2009, especially the second half. I felt like I got back in touch with myself and my artwork. I didn't feel completely “me” in that area for more than a year. Instead of pushing myself to improve all the time I decided to just draw with all my passion and in time I will improve on the areas I am not strong with, such as colours. I think when you obsess too much you loose that passion that gave you that wonderful feeling to begin with and I really do love drawing with all my heart.

I had a wonderful Christmas with family and the New Year was great as well.
I feel nothing else but happiness these days :)
So, a Happy New Year to you all, may it be a great year for you all <3

I have many projects I want to start and finish this year and I am positive it will happen.

A few new years photos, my first time photographing fireworks, was much fun and freezing cold.

A little snow picture, from where we celebrated our Christmas Eve in Skive:

My first drawing of the year, Unmasked.
When you show your true self you are fragile but it's not untill you do you find yourself