Friday, 18 November 2011

Postcard Give Away + awesome 4 hour deal

I am having a little postcard give away, it's been a while since my last blog give away. 

Now you got a chance to win a pack of my most popular drawings.
All you need to do is leave a little comment.
I will pick a random comment to receive this little pack.

As always I would love to hear which of the drawings/cards you like the most.
Remember to check back next week as I will announce the winner in this post.

 Have a great weekend!♥

You can also participate in the same give away at my FB:

Amazing Offer:
Zazzle is having 50% off everything, this means if you are planning on buying my Gothic Fantasy 2012 calendar you can get it for around 10$
All you need to do is apply this code at check out:

Offer only last the next 4 hours.


bsmiley6918 said...

Love your work Zindy! Thanks for the chance to win. Hugs ♥

Kedrov said...

It was Love at First Sight :)
I saw your art and i was like Woah she is so pretty and what a amazing gallery.. you have to love this person hahaa :D

I'm your new biggest fan.. i hope hahaa :D
by the way i seriously love your *Where is my heaven?* artwork.. it's beautiful My favorite! :)

Ashly said...

I love all of your work!!! It's all so beautiful and unique!!!

Shadows said...

Your artwork shows such emotion in it and is so beautiful.

Shadows said...

I love your artwork. So beautiful and full of such emotion.

Rachel Doyle said...

Liked and shared on facebook! I love your work :) x

Anonymous said...

Esther :

I loooove your work, especially the charcoal drawings in black&white and my all-time favorite is and I guess will always be "Watching it fly" !!!! love <3 , Esthi :)

Strawberry said...

Zindy you are amazing!

smokentags said...

beautiful and I cant pick one I love so many

Unknown said...

Thanks for this awesome Chance to win Zindy. And you know one of my fave pieces is Beauty In Blossom and Soft Snow. But i love all your stuff teehee.

Rugiagele said...

Hi, Zindy :)
My favourite card is Sad butterfly girl, because it's one of the first drawings of yours I saw. And till now this drawing for me it's like a symbol of your amazing art. :)

P.S. Thank you for your beautiful print ;)

Rugiagele said...

Hi, Zindy ;)
My favourite card is Sad butterfly girl, because it's one the first drawings of yours I saw some years ago. And until now for me it's like the symbol of all your amazing art. ;)

Natalie said...

Love your work and love how much thought and emotion goes into all your drawings, fantastic! Looking forward to seeing more :) x

Toria Mason said...

Aw, these are all lovely postcards you're giving away! All stuff I can relate to right now, but I guess I don't need to go into detail. That's the good thing about good art. People can relate to it. :)

My top favorite of these (and really, it's one of my favorites of yours in general) is Watching It Fly. All of them are so great, though. So much emotion, details, uniqueness.

You're very talented; whoever wins this is very lucky! :)

Aztec Goddess said...

my name is Peyton and i am 8 years old,i am a girl from australia and i found your drawings and pictures on the internet and i want to tell you that i love them so much,that i share them and share your site with my friends.i would like a chance please,to win a drawing or picture of yours to keep please.thankyou.keep drawing.
Peyton Emiri - australia