Monday, 30 May 2011

My day - vacation day 3

I'm currently spending some time at my parents. Today I had a lovely day in the garden. Been amazing weather and a few of the kitties came by =) it's really great being here. Lately I've felt so stresses out, needed a break for a little while. I am sure inspiration will come back soon too.

Friday, 27 May 2011

Black Pearls + Colourful Beauty

Beautiful reference: link

Not so long ago I went and bought some new colours, particular turquoise and orange/yellow colours and I don't have a whole lot of these. I've never been very fond of turquoise but lately I've started to see the colour differently. I wanted to branch out from the typical Zindy colours, if you can call it that. It's no secret I love pink, baby blue and basically all lighter pastel colours.
At the beginning of the year when I did With Love and Breathe in Breathe out, I realised how much more dramatic/powerful a drawing can get with brighter colours.

This one I've been working on and off on for nearly 3 weeks. It took a very long time creating the details + I haven't been much in a drawing mood lately. There's been much going on occupying me this month so it does feel nice to have some completed drawings finally.

My second drawing is one I did today. I was very determined this morning, to do a new colourful drawing, using turquoise again. I've gotten a few requests to do a shaped woman and it was nice to actually give it a go. I wanted her to have a beautiful strong face. So many girls (and boys) struggle with weight, sometimes it can feel like an endless battle.
Referene: link


Both drawings are done with colour pencils on Lana sketch paper.
Wednesday, 25 May 2011

Nichlas Herluf portrait

Drawing of Nichlas Herluf, from the Danish version of Paradise Hotel 7.
I had to draw him as he's amazingly beautiful and an incredible sweet and honest guy, my favourite to win all through the show. Plus it was a really good exercise doing this portrait.

Reference photo ©

Created with soft charcoal.
(29x21cm | 11x8")
Monday, 23 May 2011

New preview

I haven't been so active lately, been busy with family visiting and a few important commission works. Not felt the big inspiration to do art but I have been working on a little drawing the past weeks, here's a sneak preview:

Gifts from the talented ScarletGothica

I was thrilled to receive this lovely print and postcards by the talented and sweet ScarletGothica
She's amazing and a great friend of mine. This particular drawing/print is my favourite, very dreamy and magic. It will go up right above my computer screen.
If you don't know her work, you can find it here: link
Wednesday, 18 May 2011

Magazine Feature

I am featured in the May issue of the Italian magazine Duemila.
I finally felt comfortable enough to start doing interviews for magazines this year.
Just thought I would share the article with you :)
Tuesday, 17 May 2011

Follow me with Bloglovin

Follow my blog with bloglovin

I recently added my blog to Bloglovin. Just testing if it works :)
Tuesday, 10 May 2011

Yay for today + Love Life

(10th May 2011)

This morning I went to the 2nd meeting with the physiotherapist and it went great. I got great news and some funny exercises to do. I am just happy this can be fixed, who knows, I might be running again in Autumn, you never know =)
Those of you who run knows how much you miss it when you can't do it for a few days.

Anyway, I've been working on something a bit different today, inspired by the weekends events. I took a photo of 2 young people just chilling and I loved it so much I had to create a drawing of it. I wanted it to be very simplistic yet powerful.

Done with 2 colour pencils on sketch paper.
30x40cm | 12x16
Monday, 9 May 2011

The mermaid drawing continues

In March I started my first full body mermaid drawing (link) and since then I lost a bit of interest in completing it. However, I've picked it up again and am much further with it.
I decided to simplify it a bit since it didn't go exactly as I wished it to.
I hope to have her done soon.

I better go to sleep now, I am so tired.
Tomorrow I start the training and hopefully I will get some great advice how to do better with my back =)


You may think you are unbreakable but you are

An older drawing I felt appropriate to upload finally.

She's done with charcoal, 40x30cm |16x12"

Available through: link
Friday, 6 May 2011

Rainbow Girl

The drawing I started yesterday is done. It's been a long time since I used my pastels, it's been almost half a year. It was great to get back to them, better than I thought.
I wanted to do a happy and colourful drawing, that's why it got pink and with a rainbow.
Model: link

I've posted both the scanned version and a photograph (the bottom version). Sadly this new scanner is horrible at catching skin tones, it seems to make everything red where as my old scanner would always lack red. It's the same scanner just seem like 2 very different machines.

Rainbow Girl
Thursday, 5 May 2011

Where I draw + new Rainbow wip

My morning and afternoon was used on this new drawing. It's been a long time since I used my pastels, in fact it's been almost half a year. I figured it was a good idea to use them again and see where I am at. I often frustrate myself when I use them as I never get it as realistic as I wish I could.

I wanted to do a happy and colourful drawing, that's why it got pink and with a rainbow.
She should be finished soon.
Model: link

Happy Thursday!:)
Wednesday, 4 May 2011

The Lonely Doll

Everybody gets lonely sometimes...

Colour pencils, 40x30cm | 16x12"

Old drawing from 2008 which I found a few days back and finished. I really need to get better at finishing my work.

The model is Birgitte, from a photo shoot we did summer 2008.

I listed a lot to this song the last hours of the drawing and I somehow connect the drawing to it now: