Monday, 28 June 2010

Thank you Lisa

I am back from nearly a week at my parents place. Again I just enjoyed the sunshine, animals and being with family, I really need it these days. I only did a few drawings, small ACEO’s, I realized one of the best things about them are how handy and easy they are to bring with you.

When I returned home I got a pleasant surprise from one of the winners of my previous Butterfly Contest at DA, a cute bracelet, with my favourite colours. Thank you so much Lisa; I love it! It's hard to see but there is a small butterfly attached to it as well =)

More of Lisa's jewelry:


Selia-fairy said...

youre soo youre eyes:X:X:*:*

Zindy S. D. Nielsen said...

Thanks you ♥

Anonymous said...

hehe I'm glad you like it, if it ever breaks just send it to me and I'll fix it :) <3