Wednesday, 9 June 2010

Everybody's Leaving

Everybody's Leaving

Wouldn't it be great living in a world where people you loved and cared about didn't leave but stood by your side till the very end?
...but people always leave.

Thanks to Bina for the beautiful pose: link

Made with soft charcoal.
42x30cm | 16.8x11.7inches


Anonymous said...

Hi Zindy. I can relate to this all too well. But people have to leave, I think it's necessary. Us humans try to fight change but we can't, we need it even though we really don't want it....
Keep up the good work.
--Makayla from Los Angeles, California, USA

nihrida said...

I've found myself in this situation so many times. They say they're there for you and that they'll never leave...but everyone leaves at some point. We all end up alone...
Great job on the drawing. As always.

Toria Mason said...

This is an excellent piece of work that I know many (including myself) can relate to. Good job. =)

strainstrain said...

The image is so breathtaking baby. The story fits the art so well. I have always loved your emotional art. It has so much depth and meaning.

I love you, and i never leave<3

Always & forever<3

SONDRA said...

Beautiful! Everyone leaves eventually.