Monday, 14 February 2011

A dream of love

I made it just in time ^^

This is my Valentine drawing this year. This time of the year is special for me as I met my boyfriend around this time in 2006. So for me it represents love and the time of butterflies ♥

I've been working on this drawing a very long time. The inspiration for this drawing came when I saw the pretty girl: link and I immediately knew I wanted to use her for a heart/love themed drawing. I wanted that sensual and sweet expression to show.
As I want to challenge myself this year and adding something a bit antique I drew the steel swirls. I somehow found it fitting for the theme.

All in all I am pleased with this drawing. The dream of love, for better and for worse.

Thanks to the beautiful model.

Colour pencils, Lana sketching paper.
(27x37cm | 9x14")

Available as print and tube and soon other products at:
ZindyZone Shop


Kalee said...

beautiful! as always!!!

nihrida said...

Love the colors and the ornaments on this one. Beautiful!

I got a letter from you yesterday. =) Right on Valentines day. Thank you so much for the card, I love it! :*****

strainstrain said...

I love it baby<3<3<3

Anonymous said...


Inês said...

Wonderful, delicate, magical!!! Kisses ;-))

Zindy S. D. Nielsen said...

Thank you much all, it's great to have these nice comments on a piece I put so much time into.

Nihrida, I am glad you got it and what a timing with the day :)

Anonymous said...

how long it take for you to draw this?:D

Zindy S. D. Nielsen said...

I can't remember any more but if I remember correctly I did this one over a month. One of my most time consuming drawings ever.