It's been a while since I've blogged regularly. I feel like so much have happened the past months. All the health issues with my dad late Autumn, then moving to our new lovely home early December (which we finally have a bit more order in now!) We just finished our dinner room last weekend and it turned out just as we had hoped. Here's a few pictures from it, from the beginning to the end.

Today I finally went to the doctor to get the result of the ex rays I had done a few weeks back. I've been having a lot of problems with not being able to walk very far without getting strong pains in my lower back. (I have a weak and crocked back). It's to the point now where I can't walk for more that 15 minutes at a time before I have to sit. Considering I am only 31 it's really bad. I don't know if I'll ever be able to run again which is really sad as I truly loved that.. the feeling of just running, letting your mind go. I used to solve so many things in my head while running as well as get new ideas. It gave me so much energy. My doctor said it would most likely take some years of special training to strengthen my back and hopefully it will help me but it will be a permanent struggle.
Luckily she said I would be able to carry a baby though not for a while before my back is stronger. I am just happy there is a possibility as it's been something I've feared I wouldn't be able to as the pain is bad enough without the extra weight.
I never really pictured myself having this kind of problem as I come from a family who's always been very active. We used to bike or walk to everything as we never had a car. I am happy we grew up this way today though I use to hate having to run my bike in snow and wind and always be wet and sweaty when arriving to school etc.
At least it made me less lazy!:) It didn't sneak in on me till later on.
My dad went to the hospital here in Copenhagen last week and with a much different result than the first hospital last year. They took it much more serious and are doing more tests on him soon. It seems to be an issue with his blood circulation and he might have had several blood clots. I'm truly happy he's doing slightly better and he's with experts now.
So aside from me been ill on second round (flue and cold) I am in a really good mood... things are going to be good from now on ♥