Friday, 13 August 2010

With the birds

With the birds

This is drawing I started a while ago and decided to finish up before it end up as lot of my work – away and never finished.

I used a friend of mine, Birgitte as model for the drawing. We did a photo shoot summer 2009 with a lot of different hair and set up in the garden. It was a lot of fun. I haven’t gotten around doing anything artistically with the shoot yet – till now. I wanted it to reflect the likes of Birgitte, which is gothic, red and black. At the same time I didn’t want it to be a sad piece but a freeing piece of a sort... especially since most of the gothic people I know are such warm happy people, despite what a lot of people think. I kind of picture her taking off any minute to join the rest of the birds, with a little smile on her lip…

The drawing is made only in colour pencils, which is why it took me a while yet again but I really love the challenge of getting much depth and very black areas into drawings at the moment.

Made with colour pencils on Lana drawing paper (150g/m2).
29.7x21cm | 11.7x8.5


Toria Mason said...

I absolutely love the colors of this. Great piece!

nihrida said...

WOW! I love the details in the wings. Amazing!

Kiri Østergaard Leonard said...

Aww, that is great! What a lovely drawing of her. I recognized her immidiately!