Monday, 31 May 2010

Free Spirit WIP

This is the latest drawing of mine in progress. I spend the weekend with my friend and we did a lot of new photos in the garden. I am very pleased with the shoot we did as it was very natural and pure.
I thought I would post this wip as I like this stage. The drawing will be faded to white with just a bit of detail on the cherry blossoms. I love creating these drawing with less shading and much white space, it's a nice contrast to my very dark full shaded drawings.

The cherry blossoms are not here for much longer I am afraid which is a pity, I love them, they represents this early spring where everything is so new and not so hot yet.
Friday, 28 May 2010

Bookmark Give-Away

I’ve decided to have another give away. This time of my latest drawing; Watching it fly

All you need to do is comment, leaving your name and where you live - just because I am curious who follows my work :) You are welcome to tell me what you like about the drawing too, is always interesting to know.

The give-away will last until June 3rd, post your comment before then and it might be you getting it.

I have the original drawing up for auction at Ebay here:
Wednesday, 26 May 2010

Watching it fly Ebay Auction

My latest drawing; Watching it fly.

After a week without anything art related I felt very inspired to draw again. This one is done with charcoal and is A4 (11.7x8.2")

Ebay Auction
I have decided to put this one up for auction on Ebay, you can follow the auction here:
Monday, 24 May 2010

What we did

I thought I would show a great example of life for the animals at my mom and dad's place. They live a bit away from a smaller city, in a little house with a large garden, lots of nature and animals.
It doesn't get better than this:

She's my favorite cat, she's so good and gentle and cuddly and she slept near me some of the days at my parent's. Needless to say I spend most of my week in the garden in the sun and nature. It really was one of the best and most relaxed visits I have had there. I really needed the break I think cause I came back home happier and ready to start new. Past months haven't been the most awesome for me and it was great to let go for a bit and think of none of that. Sometimes I miss just being able to let go and fully enjoy life. Not to think of responsibility and what you need to get done.
Wednesday, 19 May 2010

Cats and little Balloo

I am enjoying the sunshine, nature, sounds and everything here at my parents place. It's seriously too nice and it makes me not want to go back to Cph in just a few days. You really relax in a completely different way when you are here as nothing really disturbes you. My drawing pencils are far away from me but my camera not :)
Here's a few photos of the lovely cats and my brother's new dog; Balloo. He's so tiny and naughty.

Tuesday, 18 May 2010

Moonlight Rose drawing

Thought I would post my drawing here from last week. I'm visiting my parents this week and not drawing much. It's been nice though, just enjoying the sun and everything :)

Midnight Rose:

The drawing is done with color pencils, only 15x21cm. Based in a private photo.
Friday, 14 May 2010

Save Legend of the seeker

Have you seen Legend of the seeker? It's an action-fantasy series which has been showed for 2 seasons. They seem to not want to continue this amazing show, sadly:
You can read about it here:
Does it not look great?;)

I'd be ever so happy if you would support the show and sign the petition to save our seeker at, it might help in the end:
Wednesday, 12 May 2010

Tears in the wind Ebay auction

A few days ago I did this little drawing; Tears in the wind

It's 8.2x5.9 inches | 21x15 cm

Ebay Auction
I have it up for auction at Ebay starting at only 0.99£
(I ship to all over the world even though it's listed on

See the auction here:
Monday, 3 May 2010

Dark Angel

Dark Angel and my Jessica Alba period have just been revisited. It’s really been a while since I did anything Dark Angel related. I still find Jessica very beautiful but as with any other of my celebrity drawings it kind of faded out. I did however really love drawing this one and I was happy to see I could still catch her look despite the lack of drawing her.
The drawing is based on a screen capture from Dark Angel, added the tear and wet eyes to give it a stronger expression.

I think I have done about 50 drawings of Jessica Alba since 2002, it’s really crazy when you think about it. You can see them all here if you’d like:

Done with soft charcoal.
11x8inches | 29x21cm

Darren Hayes video with my drawings

A woman made a video using my drawings for Darren Hayes - I just want you to love me, it's quite beautiful so I thought I would share it: