Sunday, 14 April 2013

Untitled Beauty

Finally weekend and I am off school and drawing like crazy!
One of my current projects in the making...

Charcoal, using the beautiful Jessica as model:

Faber Castell Soft Charcoal pencils and Eraser pen.
Saturday, 6 April 2013

April Specials

April's sale.

Thursday, 28 March 2013

Easter and blue fairy

Easter is here and I'm enjoying it. I finished the 3 fairy in the series. Just one more left and the series is completed. I really like how this turned out, cause it blue and I love that butterfly. I have tried to capture this butterfly a few times when we've been at the tropic gardens but for some reason it always flies when I am about to take my photo. Maybe I am just not meant to photograph it but draw it instead :)

We have sunny days here and I feel so lighter and happier. Spring is my favourite season of the year and I can't wait for to get started and you can be outside, walking barefooted in the grass... sitting late at night at the beach listening to the waves and speculate about your life.

Monday, 25 March 2013

March Sale

Sunday, 24 March 2013

New artwork update

Hi, how are you? I thought it was about time for a little update. I wonder if anyone still visits my blog.
I'm currently working on a little fairy series before I go back to school.