Thursday, 31 May 2012

Blossoming Dreamer

This drawing is dedicated to a friend who always made me feel good about my pastel drawings, no matter how unrealistic or imperfect they were. Thank you Pauline!
This is my first pastel portrait drawing in years. It was a bit strange to work in pastel only again but I began to remember why I loved pastels so much to begin with.
The drawing is actually based on a photo of myself, from Halloween last year where I was dressed up as a Autumn Fairy.
I wanted it to be a bit more spring like and to represent the new beginnings in my life that are happening.
A reminder to hold on to my dreams and keep believing, always.

Made with soft pastels.
(30x40cm |12x16")
Thursday, 24 May 2012

Rain, Sun and in between

 Apartment view
 Christiania. Copenhagen
 Christiania. Copenhagen
My weekend was spend enjoying the weather. Saturday was filled with rain and Sunday with lots of sunshine and warmth.
This is excactly why I love spring in Denmark, it's this constant switch between refreshing rain and sunny days without being too hot to breath. I wish we could have just spring and autumn and skip the inbetween.

Past 3 weeks have been a bit stressful for me as I had many projects I needed to complete with very close deadlines. They all ended in success and it was such a relief afterwards.
I had a few days off and will now begin on new commission work this week. Starting out with a cute dog and a few single portraits.

I am still working on my tutorials area on my website and hope to have new content ready soon, I know some of you are a bit impatient to see more.

I'm also in the middle of planning travelling a bit this Summer/Autumn. I can't wait to finally visit another country again and see a bit of the world, it will be very exciting.

I will talk to you soon.

Monday, 14 May 2012

Pretty in the making

After a week long project for a fitness company all completed I am able to do a little drawing for myself. This is a drawing in the making of my friend Joane. Reference is from a photo shoot I did with her when she was visiting me a few weeks back, with a little twist.
I've missed my charcoal
Tuesday, 8 May 2012

My Bloody Valentine

My Bloody Valentine

Markers and colour pencils. Love working with black and red at the moment, it's funny how it changes which colours I like using a lot.
Did the drawing over the weekend as I was missing my boyfriend lots... not in such a strong way as portrayed here though, I guess I ended up expressing it a little too much.
21x29.7 cm | 8.2x11.7"

Available through my shop:
Friday, 4 May 2012

Print Give Away

Win a signed print of my Snow White's Fall.
Read more here:

Wednesday, 2 May 2012

April Month Print Winner

There winner of the free print in April is
Read more about this give away here:

Snow White's Fall

Snow White's Fall is completed. Very happy to be able to show it, a lot of hours have gone into it. Charcoal, colour pencils, markers.

I did my first Snow White last year, with a lot of ivies and really felt a new darker Snow White drawing would be appropriate.
40x30 cm | 16x12"

Available through my shop:
Posters, mousepads etc:

Sunny mornings

Sunny mornings are the best. I love sitting in the bed just enjoying the view, preparing for another day...
I got a great commission to do today; a logo which is always a bit of a challenge.

Have a great day all of you. The monthly print winner will be announced later today.

My Sketch of the day 29/04/2012:

New tutorials

I am in the middle of renewing my tutorial area on my website. So far you can find all new materials updated:
More will come soon!
Tuesday, 1 May 2012

Working in red...

I am working on a lot of different drawings at the moment, most of which commissions.

This is what I have been working on today along with a couple commission.

I basically just wanted to do red hair and a fragile sort of pose and this is how it's going so far. I am pretty much left to do the background now which is a forest of birch trees.
Should be done in a couple of days along with my dark snow white.