Friday, 24 February 2012

A little break

Tomorrow I am leaving my boyfriend for 1 and half week. It will be hard I think but I am also looking forward to a little break at my parents place. I haven't seen them since Christmas and it will so nice to just be there for a while. I've missed them lots lately. It's always such a joy to leave the city and be surrounded by nature, all the kitties, dogs, my wonderful Mom and dad and baby brother. He just got his driving license, I am so proud of him. He turned 18 last summer and he's turning out to be such a great person in so many ways. While the age different is big I still feel we get along so well and got the same sense of humour, which is really important. I will pretty much goof around, have a lots of walks with my Mom and who know, maybe my brother will teach me some driving!;)

It's been some busy weeks, lots of projects I needed to get done, most of which I can't tell much about yet. I look forward getting some fresh air and break the daily routine for a bit.

I will also visit my sister and little niece, which should be fun too.

Have fun and thanks for the support always

Tuesday, 21 February 2012


I am finally starting to use my Twitter regularly.
Follow me here:
Follow ZindyZone on Twitter
Monday, 20 February 2012

Pretty Little Liars - Aria

 The cute Aria (Lucy Hale) from Pretty Little Liars. I did the drawing last weekend when I was home alone. We've been watching the complete season 1 and most of season 2 in a just a week as we both got so caught up in it, great show!:)
It's been a while since I did a celebrity portrait, the only times I actually do pure portraits are with my commission work. It was nice to get back to it though, I enjoy them more when I don't do them on a daily basis.
Charcoal, 21x29.7cm | 8x11"
Tuesday, 14 February 2012

The Love Game

 A bunch of hearts are lost on my website and I need you to help me find them. If you find all of them you can win a Love Pack with 2 prints of mine and a special bookmark. Read more here:
Melissa Hesson
Monday, 13 February 2012

New Notebooks

Beautiful printed notebooks now available with my artwork.
Each notebook measure 6.5 x 8.75 Inches | 16.5x20cm.
It has 80 black & white lined pages with a cardboard glossy cover.
See the selection here:
I will also have a few up for sale at my Etsy Store soon:

Thursday, 9 February 2012

Do you Puzzle?

I wonder how many still do jigsaw puzzles?
I used to do it a lot when I was younger with my siblings. I remember my mom and dad had this huge one with 10000 pieces and we tried putting it together outside one summer but it was impossible to get through, especially when you are not that old and easily gets distracted.

The one I remember I had was a beautiful beach with palms, it had so much blue sky you got so impatient.

Do you still do puzzles?

Wednesday, 8 February 2012

All new Zazzle Products

There's lots of new amazing products at Zazzle. I just realized yesterday you can get pillows, iPone cases, laptop sleeves, Notebooks and much more.
You can see the collection available here, I will add more later:
Monday, 6 February 2012

A big mess + Love Spell

For 4 days I've been working on this drawing which will be included in a book later this year. It's a mix of many mediums; charcoal, markers, colour pencils and my long forgotten pastels. It's been nice to have them out again and I remember why I used to love pastels so much. Their softness is unlike any other traditional medium.
It's in the lines of my usual work which I very much wanted it to be since it will be a book with various artists. The theme you might have guessed. I'll let you know more later this year when it's published. For now I can't say much more.

A little bit about the drawing. The model is my friend Anja-Amanda from a Victorian photo shoot we did late last year. It's done in our apartment on my amazing Rococo chair I got from my family at my 32nd birthday. I absolutely love it and fits perfect in our dinner room and for this specific shoot.
I used a huge amount of time on everything in the drawing. I will be posting a step by step of it once I have all the images resized etc.

 Trying out colours
Here's the new drawing materials I bought past weekends.
Schminke and Faber Castell pastels for 2 upcoming projects with blue tones and the other one a spring theme with lime or olive green I haven't quite decided yet. It's hard to find a not too neon like lime green I feel. I also recently got into Copics Ciao markers, they are really great to work with as the brush is more pencil like compared to the normal Copics and Pro Markers.

 It's been really good and messy to get back to pastels, I also seem to have forgotten how all over they are and how not to wear anything light coloured. I'll keep you updated on my new book illustration very soon (Navajo ones I mentioned).
Have a great week.

Sunday, 5 February 2012

Book illustration teaser

This is a little part of one of the illustrations for an upcoming book. It should be done very soon.
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Saturday, 4 February 2012

January Free Print Winner

This year I started the Win a free print each month to a comment.
The first winner of the new feature is:
Please contact me through email (contact(a) for your free print.
You can choose from any of the prints listed in my shop: