Thursday, 26 January 2012

A little update

I haven't been much online lately, let alone blogging. I've been busy preparing a bunch of illustrations for an upcoming book about witches in different cultures. It's a great project and I am truly enjoying the process. My illustrations are about a Navajo and I am very much into it as it's a bit different from what I usually do. I can't wait to release the drawings.

I have another project for a children's book which I can't tell much about till it's released but it was a bit demanding since it was a child and it wasn't the type of work I usually do.

I look forward having these projects done and continue some of my own projects for the year.

I hope you are all well. I have some new drawing materials updates very soon as a bit changed this year and I am working on a couple of new tutorials.
Tuesday, 24 January 2012

Etsy Shop

I finally started using my Etsy Shop.
I've uploaded a lot of items over the past weeks, primarily cards, prints and my Clocks.
More will come along the way.
You can find my shop here:
Etsy Shop
Monday, 23 January 2012

Interview with Ester

I was recently interviewed by Ester Durães, you can read the rather personal interview here:

It's been one of my favourite interviews to date.

Thursday, 12 January 2012

Winter Poetry

I am happy to be able to show you the final version of Tate, the drawing is named; Winter Poetry and is the 3rd in the Winter series. I think he got that dreamy thoughtful expression.
I worked a lot more on it since the wip I showed before Christmas on my blog. I darkened his clothing quite a bit and added more shading to his face, skin and hair. Finally he's all done and a drawing I am happy with.

Thanks much to Michele Ann for letting me use her handsome son in my work.
Ref: [link]

Charcoal, Markers, Colour Pencils.
30x40cm | 12x16"

Available at:
Thursday, 5 January 2012

I'm happy and rain

I'll keep it short; I am really really happy today. I already feel so much better this year. I feel hopeful, loved and peaceful. I think it's going to be a fantastic year.

It's been raining pretty much since the year began, and I really love it. It gives me much inspiration and a feeling of spring even though we are far from spring here.

Tomorrow I have a few new products to show you.
Sleep well

All new Tube dedicated Blog

I just opened a new blog dedicated to everything tubes and tagging. I thought it would be a great thing to have a place all about tagging only. It will have lots of tutorials from my CT, contest announcements, new tube releases and more. Click link to follow my new blog and get all the latest news: LINK

Winter Dreamer

I'm a girl possessed by Winter and snow at the moment, maybe due to the fact we barely had any in Denmark? I really miss it, and want it bad. I need it both for my own pleasure and for photo shoots.. come snow.
This is my latest winter drawing, done partly with a bad bad headache. I feel happy how it turned out, got that magic feel to it. I also loved trying a different tree type, spruce, I think I'd like to try a forest of spruce sometimes.
I used the beautiful Jessica Truscott /fae as model for this: LINK
Done with charcoal.

Available through my shop:
Wednesday, 4 January 2012

Win a free print each month

Montly print give away

I'm starting out the new year with a new feature. Because I love to read your comments I'll be gifting one print each month to a commenter. Everyone who leaves a comment takes part in the free monthly give away. You can comment on everything, new as well as old posts, short as well as long comments, it all counts. At the end of each month I will go through the comments and choose one to gift.

I will announce the monthly winner around the first each month. When the winner is chosen you need to email me with your address as well as print wish.

The print given away will be 5x7", you choose which you would like to have from my ZindyZone Shop.

Tuesday, 3 January 2012

Rubber Stamps and Cards

One of my best decisions last year was signing with Crafts and Me. The owner is very sweet and the Rubber Stamps turned out beautifully. So far 4 motives are available with my drawings, there will soon be more.
They can be purchased here:

Here's a few of the lovely cards done with the stamps: