Sunday, 30 October 2011

Praying for salvation

This drawing started out as a test for a background, I needed to see how it worked with markers in many layers. I think with a bit more practise it could turn out quite well.
Created with markers and colour pencils.
Thanks to Sami-Stock: LINK

Available at: LINK
Saturday, 29 October 2011

Happy Halloween

After a week being in bed with a really bad cold I luckily woke up Friday morning feeling much better and prepared for the yearly Halloween Party. We had a little pre-party as previous years, with some close friends, dressing up, eating Sushi and having lots of fun. I never drink and I guess I shouldn't have yesterday either as I got pretty sick meanwhile, probably due to being sick past week too. I don't know why but alcohol always have a very bad effect on my body. I'm not one of these that get over happy and careless. I usually feel much better being myself.
I bought these huge fake eyelashes for last year but didn't get to try them till this year. Thanks to Nihrida for advising me about the glue :)
My girl friend created the crown and the wings while I was in bed sick, I have the best friend :)
I went as an Autumn Fairy. I originally planned to go as Dead/Ghost Bride but the costume I ordered looked horrible so I had to change last minute.

My week in one picture, glad it turned out okey in the end =) 
And my latest drawing, A Foxy Halloween, a little different. Made with markers, colour pencils and fun:
Monday, 24 October 2011

Finally my calendar

I am very happy to tell you my calendar for next year is finally ready and available for pre-order through my webshop. It's expected to arrive in 14 days max.

I've been terrible uninspired to do anything for a while but lately there's been sunshine in my mind. Last night I stayed up till 3 am to complete it. I changed it from my original idea and it's now a collection of both fantasy and gothic works, hence the title; A Gothic Fantasy.
The cover changed from what was supposed to be (you might remember the previews I showed some months back) as it just wasn't working for me.
The design is in the lines of my previous calendars yet different. Each site is in it's individually colour matching the drawing.

The calendar is bigger than normal as it's a different print company this time (Zazzle). Their calendars are really great quality; thick paper and great colours.

Opened up the calendar measures 11x17".
This is the available size if you buy it through my shop. If you buy it at Zazzle you can decide between 3 sizes as well as different spiral colours.

Preorder through my shop: LINK
Buy it at Zazzle: LINK

I hope this is the beginning of a inspirational week!(:
Wednesday, 19 October 2011

Happy - New Postcards

I am always thrilled when I get home new stuff, even though I already know the motives I just love the shiny glossy surface of the postcard, just the overall look of them.
They will be available through my shop soon.
Have a great Wednesday!:)

Oh, want a sneak peak of my new drawing?

Tuesday, 18 October 2011

Are you ready for Halloween?

Halloween is just around the corner, it's something I have been looking forward to for a long time. Past years we've made it a traditional to throw a small party with the closest friends. Eating sushi and putting on our clothes together. It's probably one of my favourite days of the year and I can hardly wait this year either :)
I decided to change my dress last minute and I just hope my costume make it in time for me to do a few changes to it. I won't reveal yet what it is but this photo I took a few days ago has to do with it =)

Sunday we went to Tivoli, for their Halloween decoration. It's been a tradition for us to visit every year. It's pretty much the same every year but this time they actually did some cool changes and arrange the pumpkins a little different, the first years I could pretty much tell the pumpkin wagons was placed the exact same spot and it did take a bit of the fun and excitement away. This year was great, it didn't rain and it wasn't crazy cold.
I got a few cake accessories and some extra spider web. I decided to buy some very orange colouring for the topping of the cupcakes I'll be making, as it looked pretty cool with the strong orange, and I imagine with the sprinklers on they should look very Halloween :)
Here's a few pictures from Tivoli, if you get the chance, you definitely should go visit, it's such a romantic and special place.

 I had to add this one, just because of my giant hand ;)

 I love the natural size of the crow, heh. Certainly does not make me adore crow more.
 Biggest pumpkin of the year, I think it was almost 230 kg (507? pounds)

Each year we take a few photos a special place in the garden, this was the best one this year, heh. I think it will be fun looking back in 20 years and see the caption of each year.

What are you doing this year for Halloween?

Monday, 17 October 2011

Waiting for daddy

This little girl is my adorable niece. She's finally at an age where she can pose a bit and it's amazing. She's such a beautiful girl with expressive eyes.
I had her posing looking out the window the last time I visited and the photos turned out really great with the way the shadows fell and her glance.
I hope I can use her a lot for my future work.

I imagine this little girl waiting for her daddy to come home after a long day.

It was a great exercise getting back to portraits. I recently had a lovely commission of an elder man and it really sparkled my portrait mood.

Soft charcoal
37x30 cm | 15x12"
Tuesday, 4 October 2011

Unforgivable Sinner Give Away

I'm having a little give away at my FB, in the spirit of Halloween.
The picture will take you to the post where you can participate.